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  • nisahocaoglu6


Greetings, dear readers. It's kind of sadness that I pen my final words for this blog page. However, let's not dwell on farewells, for who knows where our paths may intersect again in the vast world of blogging, perhaps even in another task. Writing these blog posts has become more than just an assignment; it's now a cherished hobby of mine! In this concluding post, let's look for our journey from the beginning of the semester until yesterday, and delve into my personal reflections about the class as a whole. 😊

As the term concludes, I've been reflecting on how my perspective on technology in English Language Teaching (ELT) has evolved. Before the Instructional Tecnologies course, I viewed technology as a useful addition but not crucial. I believed traditional methods were sufficient and technology was just a supplementary aid. Now, my perspective has completely changed. This course has shown me that technology can fundamentally transform how we teach and learn English.

Each task we did taught me something new. Creating an infographic helped me see how visuals can make the whole topic easier to understand in just one page.

Podcasting was fun and demonstrated how listening skills can improve through engaging audio content, much better than old-fashioned tapes.

Digital storytelling was my favorite task. It was challenging to create a story using different digital tools, but it was also very rewarding. It taught me that learning English can be creative and fun, not just about memorizing rules.

However, I didn't enjoy online collaborative writing as much. It was tough to coordinate with others and sometimes felt chaotic. But, it did show me the value of teamwork and how technology can connect us.

Engaging with the Magic School AI has revealed to me the immense potential for both enjoyment and educational benefit in learning. Through conversations with a character from the past and receiving feedback on my work, I've witnessed firsthand the captivating blend of fun and learning that technology can offer.

If I could suggest one improvement, it would be to encourage students to actively work with digital tools during class sessions, utilizing school computers. This hands-on approach might fosters deeper learning and better prepares the next generations for integrating technology into ELT practices.

Overall, this course has really broadened my understanding of how technology can be integrated into ELT. It’s not just about using tech for the sake of it, but about enhancing learning in meaningful ways.

That's all for today. Once again, I greet all my dedicated readers who have been by my side throughout this journey. Your support has meant the world to me. My sincere hope for each of you is to keep exploring new technologies, as the world is constantly offering better opportunities for learning and growth. Wishing you all continued health, happiness, and love. ❤️

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