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  • nisahocaoglu6


Hello my dear technology enthusiast readers! In this post I will explain what I learned from our first topic ; 21st Century learning and this is the beggining of whole adventure so let's start. 21st Century learning is full of new technologies and devices. We actually can call it a new era for learning. Learners and educators can benefit from new technological devices during the learning process. In terms of my field, English language teaching, using different technological devices can improve the quality of the lessons by providing enjoyable and effective teaching.

Since today's children are born with these fascinating technological devices it would be impossible for next-generation teachers to avoid them. Even me, a 19-year-old ELT student :-), have fun with the activities during the lesson so I am sure that younger students love it! Technology, without a doubt, has a lot of affordances but teachers and teacher candidates should be aware that it has also constraints

Our primary focus should be always teaching the students, not only having fun with them or showing them how these devices and applications are used. Everything that we do should have a pedagogical purpose, at least our aim should be so. I advise dear ELT teacher candidates to be careful about its limits because we need to teach them in the most effective ways. Thank you for coming with me until there, I will see you all in my next post. Goodbye! <3

I have attached a video here, if you are interested about topic please watch the video below:)

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